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CARI is in a race to help end chronic homelessness, and the innovative programs within the Salvation Army’s Homeless Throughput System will help lead the way. Perhaps most importantly, our research and the solutions they yield strive to be practical expressions of God's love for a hurting world.

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Innovation is the natural expressions of Applied Research because it is the practical implementation of a new program or service that has been developed as a result of the insights and discoveries made through the research.

Applied Research

[əˈplīd ˈrēˌsərCH,rəˈsərCH]

Applied Research is distinct from Basic Researching that it is working to find practical solutions to existing problems. Applied Research is used to develop new programs and technologies and to improve existing systems.

Spring 2024 CARI Projects

CalAIM Population Health Management​ Initiative

CalOptima Homeless Housing Pilot Collaboration  

Therapeutic Companion Animals for Homeless SUD Recovery  

The Life Transformation Program (LTP)

Large-scale Strategies to End Chronic Homelessness 

Artificial Intelligence and the Grand Challenges of Social Work 

USC Computer Coding Pilot Homeless Workforce Development Collaboration

AES New Program "Design Labs"

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Throughput System

The Homeless Throughput System is a revolutionary approach to ending homelessness that seeks to get people off the streets and reintegrated back into the community. The goal is for each individual to spend three to six months in the center’s facilities to complete the program and become self-sufficient and contributing members of society once again. As a vital part of the mission to end chronic homelessness, CARI leads the way as the creative “engine” driving the revolutionary Homeless Throughput System.


This system is comprised of three major movements: Intervention, Transition, and Re-Integration. For ease of communication, these three elements are visually organized around a classic baseball diamond, demonstrating both the progress of each step and the need for continual advancement to achieve success, “Safely Home.”

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