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Catching Up with CARI 🌐

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Read past issues of Catching Up with CARI 🌐
“Whenever I interview someone for a job, I like to ask this question ...
“Few things are more important in life than avoiding the wrong people ...
“Understand: we all possess an inborn creative force that wants to become active ...
“If originals aren’t reliable judges of the quality of their ideas ...
“I’ve come to know a lot of extremely successful people in my life, and ...
“If you wanted to improve your profits by ten percent, how would you do it?"
"Vision is what the future looks like, not how you plan on getting there ...
"All people with leadership ability have on perspective in common: before and more ...
"If your plan of action has a great deal of consensus ...
"Creativity and innovation are cornerstones of a healthy organization ...
"For your vision to help you push through the discomfort of change ...
"Rugged individualism may have ruled for much of the nineteenth ...
"Without creativity we are not just condemned to a life of repetition ...
"Everything worth pursuing comes with a little pain. The trick is ...
"My research has convinced me that we all have extraordinary creative ...
"To actually stand out and capture attention, you need an effective Hook Point or ...
“Great ideas inspire – they grab us at an emotional level. One of the saddest …
“What should your projects be? Whatever seems to you ‘excitedly ambitious' …
"For thirty years, my research has shown that the view you ...
“Crucible moments teach you to trust yourself. Your gut instinct is ...
“The Lean Startup movement seeks to ensure that those of us who ...
“What consistently separated winners from losers in creating blue oceans ...
“While many of us spend too much energy searching for the next great idea ...
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